We've been having a great family weekend so far. My mom and I went to Mass last night and we totally cried when they sang a really pretty song about moms. We watched Black Swan and today my Dad's cooking some ribs for dinner. He's been smoking them in the smoke house all day. I can't wait! :)
Anyway, one of the things I remember from my childhood is that every time my Mom brought my brother and me to the movies (back when it was still cheap *tear*) she would give us fun dip!

Omg, do you guys remember this!?
My brother's favorite was the blue that turns green when you lick it. My favorite flavor was always grape, but that color changing one was soooo cool. So that's the inspiration for today's manicure!
It's not a great picture, but I used a blue polish with green tips and the marshmallow glitter that I talked about a few posts ago.
Dude, my Mom made my childhood soooo awesome. I miss being a kid. :)
I love you mommy! <3
Love it!!!