Saturday, December 3, 2011


Hiatus! Please read below!

Hey guys,

So as you know I'm going through some health issues right now and it's taken a toll on my nail art life. It pains me to do this, but I'm going to have to put this site on a hiatus until I get better. I just don't have the energy or motivation to maintain it right now. I haven't even been able to wear nailpolish anymore (seriously, I haven't had any on since Halloween). The smell has just gotten so strong for me it's become a pain trigger. I feel awful to do this, but I really need to focus on myself.

Before I go though, I just wanted to give a huge thank you to all my readers and especially my Youtube followers. You guys have been so kind and encouraging, I'm truely humbled. I'm so glad that I've been able to achieve the goal I set out to do: to inspire and give nail art ideas to the lovely ladies that may not have a konad or any fancy nail art equiptment.

Again, thank you so much to all my wonderful supporters. I hopeyou guys move on to bigger and better things and I hope to be back someday real soon! Until then, may you all be healthy, happy and safe. God Bless. <3


Sunday, October 30, 2011

Slime Manicure

Hey guys! So I had a Halloween video tutorial to share. I was super excited about it, but I've been really having a hard time getting it to record. >.< I'll have to keep trying, it's really neat anyway, even if it's not in time for Halloween.

So in the mean time.... SLIME!

I think this oozing design would look great in other colors, too. Red would make great scary blood drips, and a bright lime green would make great toxic waste. :)

I really like this design for short nails. The vertical lines help make your nails appear longer.

That's all for now, Happy Halloween everyone! Stay safe. :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


No new nails today, but I just wanted to let you guys know I have a new favicon! For those of you who don't know what that is, it's the little picture that appears next to the url address. :)

Anyway, I took some pictures of the Halloween manicure I've been wearing, and I'm hoping to get a video tutorial done for a cute Halloween pedicure done by the end of the month. :)

Ok, it doesn't seem to be working in Mozilla Firefox. It's working in Internet Explorer, but I don't know about Google Chrome or Safari.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Lack of posts...

Obviously by now you guys have noticed my lack of activity. I've only been getting around to posting maybe once a month. If you remember, I've been very sick for a long time and I seem to be getting worse. I just have not had the energy to even paint my nails at all, let alone enough energy to paint and share neat designs with you guys. I really do feel bad that I haven't been able to maintain this blog, but it's unavoidable with my health like it is.

I'll try to start painting some spooky designs now so that I'll have something for Halloween. I do have a few ideas in mind, but I can't promise anything. Really all I can say is that you'll get them when you get them.

Again, I'm really sorry for any inconvenience. :/

Monday, August 1, 2011

Paw Print Tutorial - Manicure

This one's for all the animal lovers out there! I'm a huge dog person and I'm in the process of getting a few rats. So in honor of our furry friends, here's a super easy, generic paw print manicure. :)

First, I started off with just a plain black background, but any color will do.

Next, make two or more large circles. I used the nail polish's brush for this part, but you can also use a nail art brush or toothpicks, which ever you're most comfortable with.

Finally, I added three little dots for the toes. Realistically, cats and dogs would have four dots, but I'm in the mood for a cartoony look. ;)

Finish off with a clear top coat and you're done! I think this one is great for short nails and pedicures, but I think it also works for long nails if you add more paws. And this pattern will work well for any colors so go ahead and mix it up! :)

(My dog, Jake. woof woof!)

Monday, July 4, 2011

4th of July Manicure

Happy 4th of July everyone!!!

So it's been a while since I've uploaded anything and even looonger since I've done a tutorial. So why not do one dedicated to the United States of America? Look at what manicure I'm sporting today! :)

Ok, first star off with a clear base coat of polish and paint your nails red.

Next, use either a toothpick, a striping brush, or thin paintbrush and paint white vertical stripes. If you're really careful, you can use the nail polish brush itself, it's just much more difficult.
*Optional* Paint your nails white with red stripes. :)

Next, you're basically going to paint blue french tips. Just use your blue polish and paint a smooth curved line at the tips of your nails.

Now to finish it all up, add some stars! Just make small white dots along the blue area. I did five stars on each finger, so there are 50 stars in total!

And it's that easy! Just finish up with a clear top coat to protect your patriotic manicure. I think this manicure looks great on short nails, but I'm sure it'll be fabulous on long nails too! :)

Monday, May 9, 2011



Lol, just saying. I get excited over small stuff. :)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Fun Dip Inspired Manicure

Happy Mother's Day!!!

We've been having a great family weekend so far. My mom and I went to Mass last night and we totally cried when they sang a really pretty song about moms. We watched Black Swan and today my Dad's cooking some ribs for dinner. He's been smoking them in the smoke house all day. I can't wait! :)

Anyway, one of the things I remember from my childhood is that every time my Mom brought my brother and me to the movies (back when it was still cheap *tear*) she would give us fun dip!

Omg, do you guys remember this!?

My brother's favorite was the blue that turns green when you lick it. My favorite flavor was always grape, but that color changing one was soooo cool. So that's the inspiration for today's manicure!

It's not a great picture, but I used a blue polish with green tips and the marshmallow glitter that I talked about a few posts ago.

Dude, my Mom made my childhood soooo awesome. I miss being a kid. :)

I love you mommy! <3

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Rainbow Water Marbling

Ok, today's another day where this design is NOT my own, but they are just too awesome not to share!

These come from My Simple Little Pleasures. The lady who runs this blog just recently did a top 25 list of her 2010 manicures and this made the list. I saw this manicure months ago and I've been watching her ever since then.

Seriously, this woman is the QUEEN of marble nail art! Normally, I don't really like water marbling, it's just not my cup of tea. But her nails always look sooo expertly done. She's just able to execute it so perfectly. Just amazing.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Claire's Nailpolish Reviews

Wow, ok so I've had these pictures in storage forever! Almost a year ago, my friend Noora gave me a bunch of nail goodies for an early birthday present. They were pretty unique, I don't really have anything like them in my collection so I was pretty excited to test them out. :)

First up were these really cool bi-colored nail polishes. They're a really neat idea; they're suppose to paint on stripes of each color. Just don't shake the bottles!

Unfortunately, it didn't really work too well for me... I thought the watermelon pink and green glittery one didn't work because my friend shook it up a little. But the dark green and hot pink one didn't work too well either. It made a gross dark green/brown colors. I think it's because the brush only reaches down to the think black layer; it's too short to reach into the pink. Such a bummer cuz it's a great idea. :(

My favorite out of the bunch were the scented isparkle glitter top coats. I was really surprised actually, they smelled much better than I thought! I was expecting icky nail polish smell with some grape and marshmallow thrown in there. But they actually smelled pretty good, especially after drying! :)

The grape smells very grapey, like a grape Popsicle or lollipop. And I think the marshmallow smells more like Fluff than a marshmallow, but was really yummy anyway. :) (I know Fluff is made out of marshmallow but they DO smell different!)

The only bad thing about these glitter polishes is that you can't put a top coat over it or it will cover up the smell. On it's own, it chips off pretty easy. However, it only chips off the glitter coat and the color underneath stays fine. Kinda weird, huh? Oh! And you'll get lots of glitter on your fingers from holding the brush. lol :)

She also gave me a shimmery green nail polish. Here I am wearing it with a gold fluer de lis drawn over the ring finger nail.

I'll save the gold nail art pen for a later review. Another friend of mine gave me a gold Sally Hanson nail art pen, so I'd like to do a nice compare and contrast of the two.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Yin Yang and Piano Manicure

Ok, so this is NOT my design, but it is soooo awesome I just HAD to share! :D

This belongs to YEYUniqueNail over on deviantART. I am totally going to try to recreate this, at least the yin yang part. It looks simple enough.

Oh how useful black and white are. :)

Monday, April 4, 2011

Rainbow Tiger Stripes

Hey guys! Ok, so it's been a while since my last update. I got a couple spring themed manicures in the making, but how about a nice rainbow for now?

Well... rainbow tiger stripes. ;)

Totally reminds me of Lisa Frank! lol :D

Sunday, March 20, 2011

MARCH MADNESS!!! (Basketball Manicure)

Ok, so I'm not really much of a sports fan, but I make an exception for men's college basketball. I looooove Syracuse! I'm actually watching the Syracuse vs. Marquette game in the 3rd round of the NCAA's as I'm typing. :)

So in honor of my favorite sports team, I just got done painting some basketballs on my nails!

Great thing about this manicure is that it is FANTASTIC for short nails! I actually think this is one of those manicures that actually looks better on short, broad nails than on long nails.

Anyway, that's it for me. There's about 11 more minutes in the game, so I'm outta here!


Monday, March 7, 2011

Mardi Gras Manicure

Happy Mardi Gras!

Very simple manicure today. Basically it's just french tips with fun Mardi Gras colors! :)

I started off with a purple base coat and added green tips. Then I drew a thin gold line using the gold Sally Hansen Nail Art Pen my friend Sarah gave me for Christmas. And just for fun, I added cute little green star rhinestones on my ring fingers. :)

I don't know why purple is always so hard for me to photograph! It always comes out too blue. Darn! Well, just know that in real life it's a rich, royal deep purple.

Anyway, for those who celebrate it, have a fruitful Lenten season! God Bless!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine French Manicure

Here's the manicure I wore leading up to this wonderful Valentine's Day. :)

It's a super simple manicure. Basically, just a French manicure with rhinestones.

I used these cute little yellow heart rhinestones I got for Christmas from my mom. I also tried using a different base. Normally I use a more neutral beige for my French manicures, but I tried a sheer pink this time.

I've noticed that pinker French manicure tend to look more feminine while more neutral French manicures seem more professional. I'd recommend a sheer pink if you have a warm skin tone and a sheer beige for cooler skin tones.

Either way, they both look clean and classic. Just go with what you love. :)

Happy Valentine's Day!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Tiny Hearts Manicure

Hey guys! Just a couple more days until Valentine's! This is a cute little design I cooked up a week or two ago. They were inspired by French manicures, but I used red for the base and cute little hearts for the tips!

These were super easy to do. All you need is a dotting tool or a toothpick.

Make two little dots next to each and use the toothpick to drag the polish down, connecting them into hearts!

I think this would look pretty cute if you used a light pink instead of a red. Perfect for pretty princesses or lolitas! :D

Monday, February 7, 2011

Valentine Confetti Manicure

St. Valentine's Day is coming up! This the first Valentine's Day in 5 years that I'll be single... Strangely, I can't wait! Ha! :)

So this is a really simple manicure. I just painted my nails purple and attached some X's and O's confetti with a few hearts thrown in there too! :D

Saturday, January 29, 2011

60's Inspired Nails

So my nails are finally starting to get long again! Yay! I'm starting on some Valentine's Day designs so look for them next month. In the meantime, here's a really fast and easy design. :)

I LOVE golden oldies; 1960's music rocks! My favorite oldies song is California Dreamin' by The Mamas And The Papas. Last year at school I'd put on some oldies while doing my art assignments and I was inspired to try some 60's colored nails.

I started off with a pea green base. Next, I added some pink, white and orange polka dots and be sure to make them fairly large because you'll need some room!

Once you have your polka dots dry, take the green polish again and put a small dot inside each of the polka dots. This makes your polka dots look like groovy little circles!

Let your nails dry and paint a top coat over it. It'll help even out your nail polish if you made your green dots too thick like I did. Ooops! :)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Blast from the Past! - Guest Manicures

Oops! Well, I've had these ones stored on my computer for a while... These are from back around the time I was going back and forth to Boston. When my mom and I would go, we would stay with my cousin who live near to Boston. She has three girls, all around the tween age, and every time we'd go down, I'd have to do their nails. :D

So these three manicures are theirs from the last time I went down. They browsed around my website and picked one out that they wanted.

The oldest, Lexi, wanted a lime green zebra print. I think this one turned out to be my favorite. :)

Chase wanted the frog manicure that I did, except with a few creative changes. She decided to have blue frogs instead. :)

Then finally, Eavery wanted the tropical sunset that I did for a pedicure. And if I remember correctly, I also used my glittery glow-in-the-dark polish. :)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Update & French Manicure

Hey guys! Happy 2011! I hope everyone's New Year festivities were enjoyable. :)

So, if you remember last year a few of my nails broke down super short. So I figured that this would be the perfect time to post a few manicures I've had in storage. The next few manicures all range from about February 2010 - August 2010 when my nails were still relatively short. So that's what's in store until my nails grow out some. I also have a couple hauls/reviews to do too.

So to tide you over in the meantime, here's a simple and clean French manicure that I wore to my cousin's wedding last August; that's just about the time when my nails started getting long.

That's all for now. TTYL! :)